SSM Behavioral Health at DePaul
SSM Behavioral Health Services at DePaul is among the largest, most experienced and most comprehensive psychiatric facilities in the Midwest. With 99 beds, we offer inpatient treatment for children, adolescents, adults, older adults, and persons with developmental disabilities. In addition, we offer intensive outpatient/day programs for adults with various psychiatric needs, including chemical dependency and persistent mental illness. Also known as St. Vincent's, our services are easily accessed through a 24-hour central intake program.
Inpatient Services:
* Children (3-12 years old)
* Adolescents (13-17 years old)
* Acute Adult (18+ years old)
* Fragile Care (Geriatric and Developmentally Disabled patients)
* ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)
Outpatient Services:
* Children (3-12 years old)
* Adolescents (13-17 years old)
* Acute Adult (18+ years old)
* Fragile Care (Geriatric and Developmentally Disabled patients)
* Chemical Dependency
* SPMI (Adults with severe persistent mental illness)
* ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)
Behavioral Health Services
SSM DePaul Health Center
12303 DePaul Dr
Bridgeton MO 63044-2588
Tel: 314 344-6700; 800 426-2083
