Provident - Jefferson County
Provident provides a community of care that creates hope, builds self-reliance and drives social impact.
Founded in 1860, Provident is one of St. Louis region's oldest family service nonprofit agencies. Provident's tradition is to engender hope and self-reliance in individuals, youth, families, neighborhoods and the larger community where we serve.
3675 W Outer Rd #203
Arnold MO 63010
Tel: 314 898-0102
Helping People through Tough Times
Tough times impact us all. At some point in our lives we can all benefit from a helping hand, a compassionate ear, a door to hope. Provident’s programs are available to any one in need. We have highly trained counselors, staff and volunteers who work to meet consumers’ specific needs.
Building a Solid Foundation for Success
Success in life, school, work and relationships is not an accident. Success is based on solid foundations of education, training and emotional support. Provident helps clients develop their strengths to build a solid foundation for success. Provident offers after school programs, life enrichment activities, character development exercises and counseling sessions. Provident works with youth, families and communities to ensure all children have the foundation to grow into strong, successful and self-reliant adults.
Giving People Skills to Help Themselves
Struggling to get ahead is hard. When people are fighting to keep roofs over their heads, get around town, take care of their children or pay bills, planning for the future is difficult. Provident is committed to consumers as partners. Provident focuses on consumers’ skills development by offering career readiness training, job placement assistance and employment support. Provident works with consumers to access education programs, build professional knowledge, and gather tools for a successful life.
Breaking the Cycle of Violence
At Provident, we believe consumers and their families deserve a safe home environment. We work hard to ensure that all people live in safe environments and supportive relationships. Provident offers counseling services for both victims and perpetrators of violent crimes. Individual and group counseling will help you heal from past violence, end current abuse and prevent future victimization.
Strengthening Communities
Strong and safe communities support healthy individuals and families. Unfortunately, too many St. Louis communities suffer from violence and poverty. Provident works with community leaders, business leaders and non-profits to move beyond serving individuals to transforming entire communities. Provident staff and community members work together to increase neighborhood involvement and identify the next generation’s leaders. Provident focuses on community self-reliance, neighborhood stability and positive economic development.
