Kansas City Community Center - CORE Program
Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Rehabilitation
Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs in Kansas and Missouri
Kansas City Community Center
CORE Program
1514 Campbell Ave
Kansas City MO 64108
Tel: 816 421-6670
Kansas City Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehabilitation Programs
The drug rehabilitation programs at Kansas City Community Center are not about assigning blame. They’re about caring, and they’re about family. Because like any disease, drug addiction doesn’t just affect one person, it affects the entire family.
Why do so many people resist drug rehabilitation? Why is there a stigma attached to those who have been through drug rehab? Do drug addicts really need drug treatment or should they just be locked up?
Ask 10 people these questions and you’re likely to get 10 different answers. At Kansas City Community Center, we understand that drug addiction is an illness in much the same way that asthma, high blood pressure, or diabetes is an illness. Drug addicts in rehab are not bad people trying to be good, they’re sick people trying to get well.
Alcoholism, meth, cocaine and prescription drug abuse and other drug addictions are equal opportunity illnesses. It can affect the rich and the poor, those with college educations and without, celebrities, successful business people, politicians, religious figures, the young, the old and every age in between. They’re our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and children.
Everyone in a drug treatment program has a story and it’s usually not a short story. For these people it’s an epic journey. It quite literally is the story of their lives. And here at Kansas City Community Center, we’re doing everything we can to make sure every story has a happy ending.
Do you need help? Please contact us at 866-242-6670 or send us an e-mail to learn more about KCCC and our Kansas City alcohol, cocaine, meth and other drug treatment programs.
