Jefferson City Outpatient Clinic
The mission of the Family Counseling Center of Missouri Inc., is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by helping people to make positive changes in their lives and empowering them to make healthy and effective choices. We strive to do this by providing professional therapy, treatment, community support and educational services in a physically and psychologically safe environment that enhances self-esteem. We are committed to the principle that all persons who need treatment should receive high quality services, regardless of ability to pay.
Jefferson City Outpatient Clinic
204 Metro Dr #B
Jefferson City MO 65109
Tel: 573 634-4591
Our Outpatient Clinic offers a wide-range of services for individuals and families. These include:
• Individual Counseling
• Family & Couples Counseling
• Children & Adolescent Counseling
• Drug and Alcohol Assessment and Treatment
• Group Counseling
• Anger Management Group Counseling
• Drug and Alcohol Individual and Group Education and Counseling
• Trauma Individual and Group Counseling
SATOP, the Substance Abuse Traffic Offenders Program, is a two-step program for people who are convicted of an alcohol related traffic offense. Family Counseling Center provides alcohol and drug assessment which includes a standardized test, clinical interview and review of the offender's driving record to determine an appropriate level of intervention (OEP, WIP, CIP or YCIP).
FCC Offers:
• OEP (Offender Education Program) is a two day, 10-hour counseling and education program for first time offenders.
• CIP (Clinical Intervention Program) is a 10 week, 50-hour counseling and education program for people that have had several offenses.
• YCIP (Youth Clinical Intervention Program) is a 5 week, 25-hour counseling and alcohol education program for adolescents under the age of 21.
* Clients needing WIP (Weekend Intervention Program) will be referred to programs outside the agency.
REACT, (Required Educational Assessment and Community Treatment), is a cooperative effort with the Department of Corrections and Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse for felony drug offenders. REACT is a 2-level process, which includes a formal assessment and a referral to the REP (REACT Education Program) or into treatment.
