Assisted Recovery Centers of America
Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Rehab Detox Treatment
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Detox, Rehab Treatment Center, Proven Medications & Effective Counseling Therapies in a Non-12 step, outpatient environment offering science-based, medical alternative to 12-Step. anti-craving medications, Naltrexone, Vivitrol, Suboxone, Non 12-Step, stop binge drinking, drug and alcohol abuse, located in St. Luis, MO, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Setting a New Benchmark for Treating Addictions
The patients who choose Assisted Recovery want more than a 12-step program.
Advances in the understanding of neurobiology and human behavior have led to the development of highly effective medications and therapies that allow long-term recovery with little or no disruption of work or family.
* Same day appointment for consultation or treatment
* Same day outpatient detox services to control withdrawal symptoms
* Physician and psychiatric services on an ongoing basis
* Flexible schedules for group, individual and family counseling sessions
* Access to ARCA and counselors on a 24/7 basis
* Patients can return to work or school in 2-5 days and attend therapy sessions in the daytime, evenings and Saturdays
* Minimum disruption of work and family life
* Six month program to achieve better outcomes
* Individualized after care program
* Complete confidentiality
* Cost effective
Ready for Help?
Here’s the bottom line: If drugs or alcohol are causing problems with someone you care about or your health, family, work or school, finances, or the law, then it’s time to quit.
If a friend, loved one, or colleague says you need help, you probably do. They may see your situation more clearly than you can.
With help from Assisted Recovery, you will get through your first alcohol/drug-free days comfortably and safely. Once you begin anti-craving medications and relapse-prevention therapy, you will be ready to rebuild your life.
What have you got to lose?
Assisted Recovery Centers of America
Lansdowne Medical Building
6651 Chippewa #224
St. Louis MO 63109
Tel: 314 645-6840
Fax: 314 645-6847
